Monday, October 18, 2010

It will always be the SEARS TOWER

Since Josh moved here he has wanted to go to the Skydeck at the Sears Tower.  So the other day I lost a bet (don't bet on the Bears!) and was forced to go.  I have nothing against the Sears Tower, but paying $15 and standing in a long line of tourist really isn't my thing.  But the purpose of our visit was to visit "The Ledge"!  The Ledge is a glass box that extends outside of the Sears Tower on the 103 floor.  

I didn't think it would be a big deal, but once I got close, my body seriously shut down.  You can tell yourself that its glass, and your brain says its fine, but your body just wont do it.  Here are some pics from our adventure, please notice the fear in my eyes!


  1. I want to go!!! But I will have that same fear in my eyes :)

  2. Kate, next time you guys visit I am making you go! If I can do it, you can do it!
